Enthusiasm: Catering professionals are constantly interacting with guests. These interactions can range from greetings, food descriptions, taking orders, and filling drinks. A professional server will be able to conduct all of these tasks with a smile and positive attitude to ensure the ultimate customer experience. According to a study by Kolsky, 67% of consumers claim a bad customer experience as one of the primary reasons for churning (Kolsky). Customer retention and positive word of mouth are vital to a catering business which makes the experience between the server and guest almost as important as the food. The catering professionals enthusiasm is one of many important catering staff qualities.
Food Knowledge: Without food there is no catering event. Catering professionals are responsible for not only serving the event but having a good understanding of the food that is being served. As appetizers, entrees, and desserts pour out of the kitchen, a server must be able to accurately convey the deliciousness of every plate to all the guests. An understanding of the ingredients is also vital to make that guests with food allergies are taken care of. Extensive food knowledge is vital when evaluating catering staff qualities.
Professionalism: A professional caterer has had several years of experience in the foodservice industry. These years of experience have created a server that looks and acts responsibly while they wait on guests. In addition to being responsible, they have grown to be quick and attentive when serving guests. This attentive nature results in hot food being served to the right people and glasses being filled promptly. A professional server has the ability to handle all emergencies as there is nothing they haven't seen.
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